mirissa cabs

Mirissa To Bentota Taxi


Journey Information




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Trip Details

The distance between Mirissa to Bentota is approximately 97 km and it will take around 1.44 hours. Choose the vehicle according to your preference and let us know about your booking request. We will contact you shortly.

Distance:    97 km
Duration:   1.44 hrs

If you’re looking for an alternative mode of transportation, there are plenty of options available. You can choose to rent a car, hire a driver, or book a bus ticket.
The most popular form of transport between Mirissa and Bentota is a taxi. Taxis are easy to find at the airport and around town. There are many taxis waiting outside the mirissa, and you can usually flag one down anywhere in town. A trip from Mirissa to Bentota should cost approximately $30-$40.
If you want to travel from Mirissa to Bentota by taxi, there are two main options available. You can either book a taxi online, or you can call a local taxi company directly. Both methods work well, although booking a taxi online is generally cheaper than calling a taxi company.
The first option is to book a taxi online. To do this, simply go to www.mirissacabs.com and enter your destination (Bentota) and departure location (Mirissa). You can then select the number of passengers and the type of vehicle you would like. Once you have selected your preferred options, click on the ‘Book Now’ button. you will receive a confirmation email that includes details of your booked taxi.

Taxi Service in Sri lanka

Mirissa Cabs

Mirissacabs.com is an exclusive Transport operator since 2011 plying cabs for hire. Mirissacabs.com, the best choice; make your trip comfortable. Our branded cars and professional drivers available for hire in Pearl of Indian Ocean “Sri Lanka”.

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