mirissa cabs

Colombo Airport (CMB) To W15 Weligama

Trip Details

Travel Distance from Colombo Airport To W15 Weligama  :  171 km
Travel Duration from Colombo Airport To W15 Weligama  :  2 hrs 30min

The distance between Colombo airport to W15 Weligama is approximately 171 km and it will take around 2.3 hours. Choose the vehicle according to your preference and let us know about your booking request. We will contact you shortly. in the end, you can find your hotel with a huge discount. booking.com 25% discount available.

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Questions & Answers

The quickest and easiest way to get from Colombo Airport (CMB) to W15 Weligama is to taxi which costs 50$ – 70$ and takes 2H 30Min.

W15 Weligama is just 171 kilometers from Colombo Airport and is conveniently accessible by train, bus, or taxi. By taxi, you can get to W15 Weligama the quickest.

Taxi is the fastest way to get from Colombo Airport (CMB) to W15 Weligama Cost will be 50$ – 70$ including High Way Charges.

171km from airport and 2H 30mins drive(taxi) to W15 Weligama.

Taxi Service in Sri lanka

Mirissa Cabs

Mirissacabs.com is an exclusive Transport operator since 2011 plying cabs for hire. Mirissacabs.com, the best choice; make your trip comfortable. Our branded cars and professional drivers available for hire in Pearl of Indian Ocean “Sri Lanka”.

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